Balanchine’s Square Dance at City Balllet of San Diego
When I was asked to do a guest post for this ballet blog, it wasn’t hard for me to think of a subject considering we’re on the edge of audition season and what my background is. I’ll never forget what those first auditions were like.
The link is below, and once you’re done, click the link at the bottom of the page to begin working on your credit and earning points for cheap audition travel.
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Whether you already have credit or not, a line of credit really is an essential tool to use and maintain as an adult.
I’ve done that for years and use it to fund one of my favorite things, travel, AND do it cheaply.
The American Express Blue Travel card was one of my first and it’s great for a beginner if you’re approved.
Use my link to get a big opening bonus and Ill get a small bump too . Will it fund your entire audition tour? No, but once you get started you’ll understand the process and be able to repeat it again and again!