All dance studios are closed. Working remotely.
This past week I’ve had a number of great people, far and wide, urge me to “post”. It’s almost as if they noticed I wasn’t saying anything…
And I wasn’t! Even *I* noticed I wasn’t posting anything.
What do I have to say right now? I’ve sat in my bedroom or walked repeatedly between the two windows at either end of my apartment for 9 days and counting!
During my vacation I started a noticeable habit of being vocal on my website. An easy enough habit for a traveler who is eager to bore their audience with stories from abroad.
I preached tales from a land far, far away and I anticipated continuing my travel trend in 2020, making an impressive number of outstanding trips; a norm for me when I’m between gigs or freelancing.
Instead, I’m walled up outside the growing, viral concern of New York City in my bedroom, the very thing that I, on any ‘normal’ day, try to convince myself to leave!
In a way, it’s a relief to have an endless list of justifications for defaulting to my modus operandi and sitting at home on my computer.
My first ever photo with a monkey in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. Her name was Cyndi Lauper, obviously
BUT, as you may remember, I was especially eager to take a long-awaited trip back to Chicago. While it was truly supposed to be a “homecoming”, I called it a “mileage run”, since I had plans to apply for a Spirit credit card with a nice opening bonus.
(Go ahead and laugh if you want, but I took two round-trips to Central America with Spirit miles for $100 each. Are you too good for that?)
Not only am I NOT applying for an in-flight offer, but for the first time in my adult life, I CAN’T apply for a new credit card because I have nowhere to go to swipe it!
Instead, my bright future of 2020 adventure has gone down the drain. The same, crappy way that I was forced to clean my own shit in Jaisalmer, India. Washing it down the restaurant squat toilet with buckets of water.
That said, it’s no surprise that I sit uninspired in between the growing calamity of The Big Viral Apple and what feels like the Great American Frontier. Is it a less-densely populated stretch of land OR the wild west; silently festering with an latent pandemic?
When all this does end, what will the cost be? Will there be a travel BOOM making my travel unaffordable?
Will I ever see a day where I can redeem a record number of miles for off-peak travel?!
Not to mention, what will my job prospects be like?
2020 has been cancelled through April, with a giant question mark looming over May and beyond. When theaters decide they need to start casting actors again, the pool of unemployed actors will be staggering! (As I [hopefully] proofread this even the Tony awards were indefinitely postponed this year)
The great irony right now is that Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish was set to tour, curiously, three cities in China. With rumors of Coronavirus subsiding in China (which should be suspect as nothing coming from China itself is to be trusted) it seems as if I could almost be safer in Beijing, Shen zen, and Shanghai (which I hear are all lovely this time of year!)
As we all search for ways to stay engaged when we’re not deleting Covid-19 emails from every establishment on planet earth, I’m finally fulfilled having found just the right time to be motivated enough to sit here and write about how I have nothing to say from my days in isolation.
Comment below
For the first time in my history, I’m turning the comments on. Tell us all below what you’re doing at this time of quarantine.
Are you reading something? Tell us.
Watching something? Tell us.
Are you actually working on something? Tell us.
I’ll go first:
-I’ve successfully finished Love is Blind
-The Metropolitan Opera’s new Production of La Traviata
-Yuli, an amazing biopic, of and by Cuban ballet star, Carlos Acosta
Now you; GO! Give me something to read PLEASE!